A Christmas Wish
If there was one thing that you could ask Santa for this year, what would it be? Follow Billy & Julie as they make their annual visit to see Santa Claus and make their Christmas Wish.
If there was one thing that you could ask Santa for this year, what would it be? Follow Billy & Julie as they make their annual visit to see Santa Claus and make their Christmas Wish.
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flips.js - by Pedro Botelho: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/05/07/experimental-page-layout-inspired-by-flipboard/
snow.js - by Seb Lee-Delisle: http://seb.ly/2010/11/javascript-html5-canvas-snow-in-3d/
endcredits.js - by Daniel Malkafly: malk@epichail.com
touchswipe.js - by mattbryson: https://github.com/mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin
BootStrap, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3